The gabion is a box made of wires into which stones are inserted. It is used as a retaining wall or decorative structure.
A gabion is a box made of strong woven wire and filled with non-stones. It is most often used to build retaining walls or non-watertight artificial banks, it can also be used to decorate a facade or make urban landscaping.
Of a moderate cost if one has solid stones on the spot, and of a good behaviour, they are relatively easy to implement and easily modulable.
Gabions can be made by weaving metal wires (hexagonal double-twisted meshes) or by welding wires (electro-welding) with square or rectangular meshes.
Due to their nature and design, they offer a certain flexibility and inertia in the face of shocks and earthquakes, land movement or water movement.
They are also increasingly used to make benches and decorative structures
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