Grillage Abitem's welded wire mesh is available in many sizes and gauges. This innovative product is manufactured right here in Rouyn-Noranda.
Grillage Abitem is a new plant manufacturing welded wire mesh for the mining and industrial industries.
They manufacture standard products, but also have the capacity to make custom products.
Their mission is to offer a quality product to protect the lives and property of their customers.
Our state-of-the-art equipment enables us to respond rapidly to our customers’ growing needs. Their
warehousing space also enables them to maintain sufficient inventory to respond quickly to customer
customer needs.
Their experienced team ensures the highest standards of quality in the industry, in an eco-responsible way.
in an eco-responsible manner. Modern facilities provide a stimulating and safe environment for their
The highly qualified technical team enables them to stand out from the crowd, reacting quickly and proactively to the various situations that the volatile market can bring.
volatile market situations.
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